It's that time of the month for yet another release of the Chilldown Period by yours truly - the UBLF. We've got fourty-six minutes (plus) of some grooved out tunes for you from some dang good artists!
First up, as always, I'd like to thank he ambienteer for allowing me to use one of his songs. Up next are some artists/individuals who helped me find artists willing to allow me to use their music: HipGnosis, Kieron James, Auditory Canvas, Solipsistic Nation, and Just Plain Ant.
This podcast is dedicated to my friends' little boy who recently underwent surgery, and whom I've nicknamed "the General." He's an adorable five month old whose cheeks hide his chin. His hazel (for now) eyes are always searching and his laugh will tear down the thickest of walled hearts! Here's to getting better, General!
Now to the list o' artists:
- Duality - Nobody Move
Dublicator - Lonely Phantom - Deep Roots EP - Deep in Dub - CC
- Virelay - The Bind - The Comfort is Confusion EP

from "It's Here"
(Per Capita Records)

from "She's Everywhere"
(Browntown Wreckords)

- Just Plain Ant - Wanderlust - Songs About Something - Just Plain Sounds
- Cynic One - Just Friends

from "Soulounge"
(Vibe Boutique Records)

- Sunna Gunnlaugs - Mindful - Mindful
Thank you for posting such insanely awesome music from independent record labels! I really like Film Noir World's "It's Here" album tracks.
Your Welcome! sorry for the late response. The FNW song is awesome and be patient for Episode 9 coming in November!
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