This is going to be a fun mix and I hope you enjoy the show. Special thanks, as always, to the ambienteer for the intro music, to all of the bands/artists who allowed me to use their music and to the New Dust blog for their great musical selections!
If there are any mistakes made in the show, please feel free to let me know and I'll make the corrections!
Now, onto the SHOW!

from "Underneath The Pine"

Digi G'Alessio - RUTH - The Brown Book - phonocake - CC

Chad Valley - Fast Challenges - Equitorial Ultravox - cascine

from "Double Dog Dare EP"
(Titched Records)

from "Pop Music / False B-Sides"

trans alp - drowning circus - silizium - phonocake - CC

Sun Glitters - the wind caresses her hair

Spartan Lover - Zbeig - Zbeig (single) - Mässy

Exact Index - Swimming Shark

from "Streetisms Vol. 2"
(The Frequency Lab)

Inca Gold - Into Hiding - Inca Gold II

Professor Ojo - Big Wheeler - Schemes and Plans - bedroom research - CC

Underwater Seacreatures - Shudder to Think - Underwater Seacreatures - CC

from "Headroom Vol. 1"
(The Frequency Lab)

Craig Cruiser - Go Ahead - Lifestyles

Mononomonooto - あたしがいればいいじゃない - CC
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