16 February 2010

Episode Twelve - Correcting my mistakes

In Episode Twelve (as you may have heard) around the 37 minute mark there was this harsh sound which occurs during Outputmessage's song "Resurface." I did not correct it because I would not get the podcast out on my scheduled deadline, and I didn't quite know how to correct the issue technically.

Well, it has been gnawing at me off and on for the past week. I've felt bad because it is something I SHOULD HAVE corrected! Also, I feel bad because it happened during a dang good song by a good artist who has been GREAT to this podcast/blog! I've tried to correct the problem as best as I could and reloaded the show for this month.

This wasn't a tiny mistake like a word mispronounced or bad grammar... this was fairly abrupt.

So my apologies first to Outputmessage and second to the listeners and supporters.

Enjoy the newly corrected episode of the Chilldown Period.

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